Saturday, November 16, 2019

It's me, again.

     I've just uploaded a progress photo of myself to Instagram showing off my stomach I no longer hate so much. I've lost over 10lbs in the past two months and it was because I cut out a lot of unnecessary eating habits. I went from eating a bag of chips in one sitting to eating one in a few days time to not even buying chips! Sometimes small steps are all you can really do until you start to grow and make bigger ones. It's alright! You do what you can do at the time. If you force yourself, or make too big of commitments you are most likely to just give up all together. You have to kind of know yourself, know what works and what doesn't.

Okay it has been a while since I have written in a blog but do I need to follow the essay rules? Like, is there a correct way to write a blog or can I just type out whatever I want, however I want? Can I add like 50 commas and TyPe LiKe ThIs? Haha.

I think for me, this is like a journal or diary. It's somewhere I can dump all my thoughts and feelings into...with the possibility of someone else reading it. Honestly, I kind of hope someone reads this and says something or at least feels something. Perhaps we will have something in common? I don't know...

Currently I am sitting here sipping my Oatmilk coffee (with a dash of cinnamon) creating a linktree plus writing in this blog. I think I might add this blog link to my linktree. Might be interesting if people find my work and see what really goes on in my head? Hmm. Perhaps. I don't know. I don't care anymore what people really know or think. I am me and if they don't like it then they don't like it. It's too tiring to please everyone, ya know? I want to be a positive light in people's lives but...I know I won't always be accepted and that's okay. I am always a big work in progress so I've got my FLAWS. Heh.

Alright, I think I'll stop here for now. *Rubs chin*

Monday, December 28, 2015

Where did I go?

I use to write all the time.
I use to share all I felt and all I wanted to say.
I shared photos of my life.
I expressed deep emotions.
I gave heads up of future events.

What happened?
Why have my fingers gone silent?

Where did I go?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh wow...

I have not written in my blog for so long.... does anyone pay attention to this anymore?
Does anyone still follow this?

@_@ I apologize  I just don't use this blog anymore. I have another one that is faith-based and about my current stressed and anxiety... but I've moved onto Tumblr and Facebook mostly.

Sheik Chan on Facebook!

 ^ ^ Sorry everyone. Thank you for being so loyal to my blog..
I'm still a huge DERP.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Call me lazy but I am already aware of this. I pretty much copy/pasted what I just wrote on my DA journal because I don't feel like retyping or repeating myself so here it is!

Fanime is my favorite convention in California... I love it so much! This year though was different... I had fun but not as much as I usually do. It had some perks, like being in Ackson's videos >.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm the worst blogger ever. I've barely given blogger any attention what so ever. I apologize AGAIN. I also apologize for the long wait you'll be having after this post too....

Fanime is a week away and I am slightly freaking out. Just slightly. Nothing is 100 complete. Oh wait--I LIED. Bridget is complete....except for the wig thing I'm not sure which one I'll use... I have the choice of my own or a friend of mine. I like the color of hers but I like how mine has the right bangs. *Sigh* Choices, choices.......

I'll be taking Kai, Agitha, Rikku and Bridget to Fanime so yaaay! I have some photoshoots lined up.....and I am excited! I feel a bit anxious but like last time it'll subside once I see all the awesome costumes and people *~* Ahhhh I just always have fun at conventions! w000t.~ I hope to see some of you there :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm Alive...!!

Sorry for never posting. I kind of just got off track and forgot about blogger. I have a tumblr now too. (

Only news is I have a lot planned for Fanime and so I've been working on it, especially while the Playstation Network has been down! Fortunately, that REALLY helps me with working on stuff besides playing games with friends online xD!!

Oh! I joined a contest so please vote for me! I think you can vote for as many people as you want~ Just "like" the photo :)

Cosplay idolSheikChan as Princess Agitha
Join Otaku House Cosplay Idol

Thanks guys so much! I'm so sorry for not posting as much >.<!